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Co2 Based Fire Extinguisher

Co2 Based Fire Extinguisher

CO2 Type Fire Extinguishers: Comprehensive Guide

CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers are widely recognized for their effectiveness in combating electrical fires and fires involving flammable liquids. These extinguishers work by displacing oxygen, which is essential for combustion, and thus effectively suffocating the fire. This blog post explores the features, benefits, and applications of CO2 fire extinguishers, making them a crucial component of any fire safety strategy.

What is a CO2 Fire Extinguisher?

CO2 fire extinguishers contain carbon dioxide gas, which is stored in liquid form under high pressure. When discharged, the CO2 rapidly expands and cools, transforming into a gas that displaces oxygen around the fire. This smothers the flames and extinguishes the fire without leaving any residue.

Key Features of CO2 Fire Extinguishers

  1. Non-Conductive: CO2 is non-conductive, making it safe for use on electrical fires without the risk of electrocution.
  2. Residue-Free: Leaves no residue, ensuring no damage to sensitive equipment and reducing cleanup time.
  3. Cooling Effect: The cooling effect of the CO2 can help to prevent re-ignition of flammable liquids.
  4. Environmentally Safe: CO2 is a naturally occurring gas and does not deplete the ozone layer.

Applications of CO2 Fire Extinguishers

  1. Electrical Fires: Ideal for use on fires involving electrical equipment such as computers, servers, and machinery.
  2. Flammable Liquids: Effective against fires involving flammable liquids like petrol, oil, and solvents.
  3. Offices and IT Environments: Perfect for protecting electronic equipment in office settings and data centers.
  4. Industrial Settings: Suitable for use in industrial environments where flammable liquids and electrical equipment are present.
  5. Laboratories: Useful in labs where chemical and electrical hazards are common.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

  • Regular Inspections: Ensure that the extinguisher is inspected regularly to check for pressure and readiness.
  • Professional Servicing: Have the extinguisher serviced annually by a certified professional.
  • Training: Ensure all users are properly trained in the use of CO2 fire extinguishers to maximize safety and effectiveness.


CO2 fire extinguishers are an essential tool for fighting fires involving electrical equipment and flammable liquids. Their non-conductive, residue-free properties make them ideal for protecting sensitive environments and reducing potential damage. Regular maintenance and proper training are vital to ensure their effectiveness in emergencies. Investing in CO2 fire extinguishers is a proactive step towards comprehensive fire protection.

Co2 TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHERSMollimax CO, fire extinguishers are characterized by their high performance for fires involving an electrical risk like computers, office equipment and generators etc. CO, is non-conductive, clean and safe, ensuring minimal damage to electrical equipment and furnishings.I..
Co2 TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHERSMollimax CO, fire extinguishers are characterized by their high performance for fires involving an electrical risk like computers, office equipment and generators etc. CO, is non-conductive, clean and safe, ensuring minimal damage to electrical equipment and furnishings.I..
Co2 TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHERSMollimax CO, fire extinguishers are characterized by their high performance for fires involving an electrical risk like computers, office equipment and generators etc. CO, is non-conductive, clean and safe, ensuring minimal damage to electrical equipment and furnishings.I..
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